Distinctive walls and window coverings, window and ornaments full of souls - Český Krumlov - Czech Republic

The town is made up of houses and the society is made up of human beings. The construction of the hardware can make the town and the castle look magnificent and magnificent. But whether there is a soul in the empty shell is the commercial development of the country's prosperity and local prosperity. The spiritual growth and image creation of the people can make the absurdity become fertile soil and the depression becomes prosperity.

When traveling to a country or place, the easiest way to feel the change of social culture is to go shopping. Look at the way the building is built along the street, the color of the house wall and the pattern of the window opening. Follow the trail to see the shop. The window decoration, the equipment outside the store and the display of goods sold in the store are all inextricably linked to the history, culture and the art and beauty of the people.

Traveling to CK, in addition to visiting the Krumlov Castle and the Painted Tower in the Castle District, the alleys in the Old Town are definitely not to be missed. There are a variety of shops around the Old Town Square. There are unique products of their own characteristics, and a variety of interesting window display layouts are even more fascinating, whether it is the Czech must-buy Botanicus essential oil soap, or KOH-I-NOOR colored pencils and bohemian crystals. It has made the tourist crowds here go along with commercial packaging. There is no sense of contradiction between the history of the Middle Ages and modern goods. It even strengthens the desire of tourists to shop, conforms to the natural and uncontested business attitude, and makes the window The soul-filled ornaments attract a wave of sightseeing booms.

Walking along the stone road in the small town of Český Krumlov, even if the road width is not too large, there is no special road. Compared to the two or three-storey low-rise building of the modern glass curtain building, the house will not be breathless. The sense of oppression makes visitors more comfortable and roaming in medieval historical buildings.

The house is covered with four walls, the walls will open for ventilation, lighting and viewing. The window-opening mode of the modern house makes the building lose its brilliance without any features. Many unique windows in CK open the window. Ways to make tourists in the town like an art gallery

The yellow wall of the goose is covered with a white window frame. The forged iron window is covered with red and green flowers and plants. The simple and simple side wall makes people think about how the beauty of the country should be shaped. How to arrange the educational order of morality, intelligence, and beauty?

Even the famous SWAROVSKI crystal shop, the store set up in the town, must follow the CK old and painted symmetrical pattern, so that the crystal products full of modern luster will not cover the historical light of the Middle Ages.

According to the organic planting, traditional formula and quality products, the company is also in line with its unpretentious brand image. If it is not the wooden signboard of BOTANICUS on the door, it is hard to think that this is the famous Czech organic. Brand store

Into the shop of Botanicus, the Gothic traditional building with ribbed vaults, and a variety of organic plants on the wooden frame, for many visitors to the Czech Republic, almost No one does not bring a bottle or two to go home, and it is suitable for both gifts and gifts.

KOH-I-NOOR color pencil is another hot-selling brand in the Czech Republic. The brand name of the copper finger passing through the palette is placed on the entrance door, and even the protection device for avoiding impact on the corner of the house is also protected by copper fingers.

In addition to the sale of some tourist goods in the town, the window of many jewelry stores is decorated with various crystal clear bohemian crystals, and there are many kinds of amber stones in the movie of Yuki Park. Ladies and gentlemen have a feeling of being in the store.

The leather carving process combines engraving techniques and visual aesthetic creation. Standing on the road to enjoy the display products in the window, it is like watching the famous paintings in the art museum. The only difference is that the famous paintings are not for sale, and the bags in the window are valuable.

Appreciating window products along the road is a poetic and artistic matter. Don’t forget the scenery while watching, lest you suddenly see big-eyed dolls, and suddenly raise your fear.

The streets of the old city are not completely conservative of ancient ideas and feudal thoughts. There are still some trendy clothing items on the street. Does this swimwear store have a simple modern sense, even though the signboards are marked by two-piece swimsuits. Still won't cause too much delusion

For the average visitor, this kind of wall that is not known when it is built is most popular. Although the walls are slightly dirty and mottled, it is a perfect self-portrait for young people who like to shoot red photos.

When the painting becomes the characteristic of CK, when the roadside and the symmetrical window are occasionally seen on the roadside, it is often unconsciously reaching out to touch, to judge whether it is real stone or painted brick, whether it can be opened or drawn. window

Although many roads in the town are forbidden to enter, there are still many stone blocks or anti-collision masonry at the door of the house, so that their property can be further protected and protected.

What kind of business is being carried out in the house? The form of the house will be seen. The external imagery of the color of the wall, the color scheme of the window sill and the style of the window can best show the unique flavor of the house.

You don’t need to go in the door to understand the goods sold in the store. The characteristics of the store are directly outside the door, and the marketing techniques and methods have certain effects.

Even though the French luxury brand Longchamp is located in CK's shop, the overall appearance is based on the basic spirit of the town. The iron-gray wall reveals the warm interior lighting, and the unpretentious feeling is hard to make people think of the store's bags. price

There are two red door panels hanging on the wall of the horizontal limestone. The nearly embroidered black iron door is barely supported, and the red opening bag holds the arched stone door frame. This restaurant is so hot in appearance. Spicy, people only pass by, the heart has already ignited the desire to make a tooth festival.

Czech travel must buy goods In addition to the aforementioned spin Dani and colored pencils, the other most amazing product is the Czech traditional puppets of various styles and shapes.

The traditional Czech puppet is a kind of "Marionette" that uses silk thread from top to bottom through the head, shoulders, hands and knees of the puppet, and then binds the thread to a cross-shaped control rod. Use your finger to gently dial the wire to operate

When I was shopping, I entered a beautiful Czech puppet shop. I thought that there should be nothing in the small shop. I didn’t expect the owner to go down the stairs to the basement, only to find the ancient floor.

The basement, which should have been slightly horrible, was swayed by several cartoon-style Czech puppets, and the atmosphere became very lively.

Who is the big SHOPPING MALL who has not visited? But have you been to a underground store like the anti-air wormhole? Into Baoshan, you can go back empty-handed and buy gifts for children in the shop of arched brick roofs. After returning home, it is difficult to tell where the toy gifts are purchased. It is too difficult to describe and describe.

CK's laneway is full of surprises, whether it is Shijie Street, house building or painted stone wall, lighting windows, it is a kind of enjoyment, and the purchase is more satisfying.